I doubt either either Will Occur.....but, on the other hand, Could....
Of course, this is 'digital realm' stuff....
Of course, this is 'digital realm' stuff....
Do Banana Plug Adaptors Degrade SQ?
Not for me when I had 3 alternate amps going: 3 sets of color coded speaker wires, all with separate WBT Banana Plugs (you manually tighten them when you insert them). I put a 6 ft pigtail with female from the speakers that I could reach without bending! A couple years of comparative listening, myself and with friends. http://www.wbtusa.com/pages/0645m.html In the past I used some Radio Shack self-tightening type (fixed pair which maintains spacing). The knurled ends are for tightening the speaker wire, once, then it’s simply push in/pull out. This type, the speaker wire connection to the plug can mysteriously loosen, the WBT uses a pair of allen key set screws, the wire connection never loosened. They are well worth the price. https://www.radioshack.com/products/gp-dual-banana?variant=20332018373&gclid=CjwKCAjw7diEBhB-Eiw... This is when EVERYONE picked LP over CD; R2R tape over LP; Tubes over SS. I had a Pair of Fisher 80z Tube Mono Blocks (30 wpc); Fisher 500C Tube Receiver (30 wpc); McIntosh SS MC2250 (250 wpc). You made me think, I still have those cables, Just for fun I’m gonna compare my Fisher 80z Tube Mono Blocks with my ’new to me’ Luxman SQ-N150 10 wpc Integrated Tube Amp that arrived yesterday. I listened with a friend for 3 hrs last night, that little Luxman is amazing. I’ve never used less than 30 wpc here. I knew it was small, but when you take it out of the box, it’s small (but heavy). Beautifully built (I didn’t look inside). |
Some old JBL speakers of my acquaintance use spring loaded button style posts that take at most 14 ga. wire. These adapters from Parts Express allow you to attach any banana plug. Adding a few inches of solid 18 ga. won't hurt...you should see the wire inside the speaker! https://www.parts-express.com/Lil-Piggies-Binding-Posts-to-Lead-Wire-Adapter-Set-Red-and-B-091-1262 |
Hello, There is not a huge issue running bare wire as long as you tin the ends. Depending on how resolving your system is you can get arcs from stranded wire. My favorite banana adapters are the Straightwire BANAUNV. It will convert a spade or bare wire to bananas. My favorite is they utilize the Z banana. This insures a tight fit and a lot of surface contact. https://www.straightwire.com/mobile/connectors.php Scroll down to see the under the connector list. If you are in the Chicagoland area this store is a dealer: https://holmaudio.com/straight-wire/ Another solution is buy Pre- made Straightwire cables and unsolder one of the ends. They are a great value product! I wish I could demo cables but I am in the process upgrading my system so there is no point until I get my electronics first. |