transistor pre with the sound of tubes

Not sure i am mature enough for a tube preamp, so my quest would be for a transistor pre with a hint of tube sound.
What would be your suggestions? 
Btw, needs to be balanced as my active speakers only accept balanced.

There is NO such thing as "tube" or "transistor" sound! Only a CIRCUIT has a SOUND! The big advantage a solid-state device has over a vacuum tube is that the former is free from aging effects.

If “only” a circuit then why does tube rolling change sound? The lightbulb analogy is good - circuit stays the same but the type of bulb produces a specific result. Also, saying SS gear doesn’t age? So caps don’t go bad? Class A’s don’t burn up? Chips don’t fail? 
Yes, ofcourse components age. I often question why people buy 20 year old units that never have been through a check up or service.
Reviews of Pass Labe XP-30, XP-32 say its sound is very neutral (not like SS and not like tubes -just sounds like music).
Also, have you considered a tube buffer stage? Plus your preamp output into a box containing tubes for that magical glow!
DECWARE ZBox stand alone tube output stage - review
As in a previous response, I would strongly recommend a hybrid tube/solid state preamp. I was very fortunate to get this advice many years ago from a highly regarded hi-fi guy. I bought a New York Audio Mosfet Minuet in A hybrid preamp and paired it with a vintage Bryston 3 amp. I still have that rig and the sound is spectacular, The Minuet is considered by many a classic based upon clarity, definition, bass response and fabulous depth of "sound stage". As the other post said, the  New York Audio Mosfet preamps were way ahead of their time and even today offer excellent performance when compared to today's gear in the same price range. A couple of audiophile friends bought the Minuet in A after hearing my setup. Unfortunately, it can now only be bought as used equipment and is extremely hard to find as people just don't want to part with them, like me. But if you look hard enough you'll find one. Even if you find one that needs a little work, George Kaye, the original designer of the Minuet can refurbish it and make it like new which he currently is doing to my Minuet for approximately  $350-$400. Of course that depends on what is needed to be done. If you can't find a Minuet in A on the used market, I've heard very good things about Vincent's hybrid preamps also which seem to be great values based upon price / performance. Good luck.