In my experience the room’s acoustics is perhaps the most important factor in soundstage imaging. Side wall reflections can muddy an image as can sound waves coming from the rear wall and front corners.. Before I chased different equipment I’d tame the beast that your system lives inexactly right...
Save the early and late reflections must be tamed not necessarily erased,but advanced or absorbed or retarded , they must be synchronized, then absorbing methods are relative to each situation and need to be experienced.... In my case i control all acoustic factors with also a controls of reflections from side and back.....We play with milliseconds factors here detectable by the listenings experiments...
Back reflections will play a positive role in listener envelopment factor this is demonstrated... All is a quesion of balance and timing thresholds....
Acoustic is not most think it is like buying costly materials and think they are done because the sound is good....
If you have not a room 3-d filled with sound NOT coming from spealers but an holographic volume encompassing and even including you in many recordings, you are not done.... And at the end instrument and voices timbre must sound natural ....