New Audio Frontiers 211 SE amp opinions and experience

An opportunity has come up to get my hands on a New Audio Frontiers 211SE (stereo version). Wondering if anyone has any experience with them? Not too much press state-side but plenty in Europe. I've had Art Audio Carissa 845 that performed very well with my Harbeth SHL5s and Zu Essence but eventually lost out to 2a3 and 45 amp with my Klipsch LaScala. The rest of the system are: LP12/Origin Live/Lyra MC, Esoteric SA50, David Berning ZOTL PreOne, and Chord, Crystal Cable and Nordost cables. I have as mainstays Alan Eaton 2a3, Paul Birkeland 3C24, and LTA Ultralinear, but crave a more balsy (for lack of a better word) presentation or slam from time to time. As always, positive opinions and constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated.
I might add also add that the Ultralinear is definitely a quieter amp by a good margin.
@bananaslug , thanks for comments. I look forward to hearing more about the UL as it breaks in. I've been torn between trying it and the 40Ref. Nicholas at LTA seems to think the latter would be better for the speakers I have in mind for it, Cornwall IV. Perhaps he's right. But I'm enamored of the 2A3 SET sound, and my sense is the UL would have more of that delicacy. My concern is that it might be a bit sterile, at least relative to SETs. I'll be interested in your opinion.
@wrm57, as promised, I'm finally getting back to you with my impression of my LTA Ultralinear amp. I've recently spent a significant amount of time listening to the Ultralinear and having owned the ZOTL Ref40 I can tell you that the sound of the UL is more like a 2a3 SET (I had a JA Burgess 2a3 with Hashimoto OPT and currently own an Alan Eaton 2a3) than my Ref40 was. I don't listen to classical music as much so my impressions are primarily based on vocals, acoustic, blues & folk, 60-90s rock and R&B, etc. The UL is much better at conveying both male and female vocals and gives you goosebumps/listening room airy presence than the Ref40 but acoustic music is presented with a slightly less life-like presence. I'm conflicted with blues & folk music as some recordings sounded better with the UL while others were more pleasing with the Ref40. It's a wash with some compressed 70-90s rock and R&B music but resolving amps tend to be less forgiving to poor recordings and both UL and Ref40 are. Hope that helps. Best to you. John 

Can you clarify, did you end up picking up that 3C24 amplifier? I'd be curious how you rank it compared to your other fine amplifiers...
