Turntable Isolation

   I have a Pioneer PL-530 TT. Am the original owner. Yes...I'm an old guy. Given the age of this table, I have wondered if the feet of it has become useless as pertains to the rubber inside the 4 feet. I have not removed the feet to inspect the condition of the rubber but, given the age of this table, it's quite possible that the rubber intended for isolation from vibrations has gone south. My question...Instead of removing the original feet and searching for replacements, whether original or manufactured replacements, would the function of the table, as far as isolation, be acceptable by just placing something like Vibrapods, BDR cones, or something similar under each of the existing feet be as good or better than trying to obtain the original feet that Pioneer used?
   I realize that this isn't a "state of the art" table by any means. There are many issues with vibration abatement and lots of remedies such as isolation platforms, rock solid stands, and others. Any suggestions?
+1 for MC. I placed Nobsound springs under my VPI HW19 and they made a world of difference. Much cleaner sound;; and a deeper sound stage. I had to make a commensurate adjustment in the sama, but it was all good. A highly recommended tweak.
Way back when your turntable was built, isolation was not much of a consideration as it is today and there are better materials than rubber. 
I would find a better footer and place directly under the base of the TT.

Nobsound is a very popular solution.
The one they have now for $22/set has got to be the bargain tweak of the century. I mean it is right up there with the Costco hot dog.