CD v Streamed

Uncompressed CD audio will take about 10.6mb per minute to play, to stream that takes big space and dollars to stream an album, see what your streaming company’s takes mb per minute to stream, find out and post up here.

I hear CD’s are better, I get better dynamic range from CD every time it’s A/B to me, now that could be that the streaming companies are using the "later compressed re-issues" of the same albums, you can find that out here
Or that the streaming process itself compresses the music to save "streaming size" to save big dollars even if in small amounts.

Here’s a video from the CEO of Disc Makers Pty Ltd, yes he probably also biased because he manufacturers CD’s and vinyl, and is a very bad dancer.

Cheers George
Transport with the right DAC Magnifico!!! Good to burn to HD.
Good streamer very enjoyable . Dedicated Mac mini gives me a lot of leeway.
It does not take 'big space and dollars' for a company to stream individual FLAC files.   Even streaming video, which requires much faster streaming rates, costs very little.  
For my ears and system, Qobuz/Primephonic streaming sounds better than my CD player a good 80 percent of the time.  The way I figure it, Q & P simply have better hardware than I've got -- a suitably vintage Sony 5400 ES.
I like my vinyl but was very pleased with my Lumin music streamer ... all the albums I could think of at the push of a button and decent sound quality.  Then someone posted something recently about the tips and tricks of getting the most out of streaming: direct and not wireless, fiber optic internet, cables etc etc all the way to the lovely but expensive Innous network products.  Now the only “simple” aspect of my system has been infected with the audiophile equipment bug.

Great idea for a thread. The measured proof would become provided via these server/streamer companies. Much like our cable or satellite TV companies(bandwidth, reception upload/upstream capabilities).
As above, all technology is finite in the digital realm. Compare/contrast against your favorite CD/SACD player(s). I have yet to hear a server/streamer below $20K that beats (no pun) my Reference spinners.

Happy Listening!