All New Totaldac D100 Loudspeakers....The HOLY GRAIL OF SPEAKERS ?!

They say go head and compare these Totaldac D100 speakers to any other speakers AT ANY PRICE !
 These new Totaldac D100's cost UNDER $15K !
I listened to the link highend666, and seriously, that music sounded like so many speaker demos that I've heard on heard on youtube. Some whiny Asian sounding raga type thing with a metallic tap here and there. They look like a design that I would probably love, but I can't tell by that demo.
I almost felt like crying too, but for a different reason. 
Let’s get this party started !

I could be looking at my End-Game speakers here at a much much lower price too than the Magico M6's or M9's or other very high end speakers !

Waiting for Totaldac to get some dealers here in the USA