I believe, that when a Cable exhibits Directionality to RF signals, that it would also exhibit Directionality to audio signals, & Vice Versa!.
No doubt. I would add the digital cables Directionality here.
The method that I outlined provides Documentation that a specific Cable Design exhibits or does not exhibit such Directionality to RF Signals.
I think because of relative complexity of the method in comparison with this simple schematics, it probably lack the sensibility, otherwise it would be obvious, that each wire has directivity together with certain unique coloraition.
Think about all of the harmonics & sub harmonics of the 60 HZ line frequency that is all around audio equipment. It's likely that some cables pick up this noise, which is then further amplified in downstream amplification stages & may well be heard, with some Cable designs.
Then there is the host of digital signals & their sub harmonics that proliferate in this digital world we live in today, that may have to be dealt with. Yes, it boggles the mind & Audio Needs all the help it can MUSTER TO PROVIDE THAT ULTIMATE SOUND QUALITY that all here strive for.
Note that some here go as far as isolating & raising speaker wires off of the ground, with sworn improvements in sound quality.
I know the fenomenon and some similar ones, for instance the difference in SQ arising from different methods of mounting radio components of the amplifier - a modern one when radio components lying on a circuit board and outdated point to point wiring where the components do not touch the board and each other. The point-to-point sounds more openly and naturally.
But it can't be be related to RF unless we somehow feel the RF directly from environment. Speakers can't reproduce RF signals, and the indirect influence of RF in well designed amps is much less than we can hear.