Solid state amplifiers and sound stage, especially front to back "depth"

I've been enjoying my trial period with the Van Alstine SET 400 stereo amplifier. When I'm done and have collected my thoughts, I may write up a summary.

In the meantime, a question for folks with more experience. I've noticed is that the amp produces a sound stage that is nicely defined and articulate from left to right, but not as much from front to back. (My Adcom was also unable to create sound stage depth.) I know my room is capable of that sound stage because my tube amp accomplishes it.

Question: Is it typical of solid state amps to have less of a front to back sound stage than tube amps? Do they vary in this regard? Or, perhaps, am I failing to do something -- such as re-position my speakers? (After all, I immediately get that sound stage back when I switch amplifier without moving anything else.)

If you have any experience with solid state amplifiers and sound stage -- front to back, left to right, or whatever, I'm curious.

This is not about me keeping or not keeping the amp. There are many things I already really like about it. But I'm wondering about this aspect.

I think tubes amp manufacturers do especially when it comes to bass control and transient speed 
yogiboy3,968 posts05-10-2021 10:30pmMany solid state amplifier manufactures and reviewers boast about having a tube like sound. When is the last time that you have seen a tube amp manufacturer boast about having a solid state like sound? I wonder why that is?
There is lot more involve reproducing sound stage depth. First and foremost is the recording itself. Audio chain cannot reproduce "depth" if it not encoded in to the recording. Most of my classical music recordings have excellent depth or front-to-back layering.

 I listen mostly to symphonies and concerti. Well engineered recordings capture a wide and deep soundstage. Minimal mic techniques result in a sense of space in all directions whereas modern multi, close mic'd recordings lose that imaging. The soundstage may extend beyond the speakers, but 3D imaging is lost. There are some classical labels and certain concert halls which today reproduce a deep soundstage. 
This is a genre which proves depth is in the recording.

Thank you so much for this webpage. I'm going to make good use of this. Really looks great!

I've added photos to my system — which is still very much in "proto type" aesthetically and cord management-wise, but which is measuring and sounding quite good.

@mapman @lowrider57  @parker65310 @pwerahera 
Agree that it's a combination of many factors, including how the recording is made, speakers setup, and room acoustics; yes, these *all* determine "exactly how those cues are rendered and imaging and soundstage actually produced." That is why I am comparing exactly the same *very, well done and rich sound-staged* recordings. (I'd have to be using good recordings otherwise what would be the point of trying to compare amps?)

Also, these are being played on the same streaming service, in the same room, with the same speakers, in the same position. The interconnects are all the same. The power conditions, the room, etc. are all the same. *The* thing changing is the amplifier. As a friendly reminder, I'm trying to frame a precise question with stable conditions in order to isolate a single factor and elicit information about just that factor.

The Bel Canto and Ohm combination sounds interesting. A similar Bel Canto would run, say, $6k right now? That's almost 3x the price of the AVA, but knowing that a SS (Class D) CAN produce such impressive soundstage says something about the original question. Mbl's are much more, I understand.

@aubreybobb obb The SS amps are not at 600 -800 hours yet. Maybe 100 hours, at the most. As for resonance and vibration, I've never heard that "tube amps are more resistant to this factor." I always thought they were LESS resistant, because of the glass tubes. That's a startling claim and I have never heard that before.

@jjss49  I wish I had those other amps for comparison with the AVA. I know that Pass voices his amps, and Paul McGowan has spoken about this extensively. I don't know if he still believes this, but Van Alstine has said (14 Sep 2006)

"I have no clue about "voicing" an amplifier. It is NOT a musical instrument. It is not supposed to "sound good". The best it can do is to not screw up the information presented at its inputs and drive whatever load is connected to it without interacting with or being modified by the load….We will leave "voicing" to trumpets and tubas and such, and keep doing basic evaluation of circuit electronics…..We did not spend any time "voicing", only refining our engineering knowledge and the application of that." [Source: ]

That's a surprising thing to hear from someone who makes good gear. Surely he listens to what his customers say, he goes to shows, listens to gear, etc. He may have said this as some kind of retort to someone else's overly-mushy (from an engineer's standpoint) statements. But without that kind of charity for him, it betrays an unenviable bull-headedness.

@wolfie62 may be right when saying, "Amplifier design is critical for achieving, or not, really good imaging/soundstaging."

If it is the case that tube amps do this quite typically but solid state do not, it may NOT be attributable to the kind of device at work but results speak the loudest, I suppose. Maybe it is merely that fewer solid state designers focus or try to accomplish a sonic objective that tube designers do. That's an important difference for some, but probably not for the end user who wants a rich sound stage.

The position of your speakers and your room treatments are optimized for your tube amp.  Have you considered the possibility that they might need to be changed to obtain maximum performance from the ss amp that you swopped in?  No one expects all makes and models of loudspeakers to perform optimally in the same position in a given room; perhaps this notion should be extended to amps.
The distance from back wall is least Fremer thinks so, I tend to agree. If the recording does not have much depth, then there is none. However, there are some recordings that contain such.