Nobody tune a piano with placebo effect....the tuning is a series of small incremental additive changes...
I have tuned my room in hundreds of change in a 2 months period and explaining everything with placebo is only possible by those who dont have developed any hearing experiments to help them...
They are like a boat without a rudder? Am i here or there? Why the ocean currents put me here and not there? Where did i travel ? Is my destination an illusion?
And because they are lost in the sea they think all boats they crossed are without rudder....
We are all susceptible to be lost at sea but not always without a compass, mine is acoustic control , control of vibration and control of the noise floor electrical level...No unreal change can fool you and stay long beside the real changes.... The two types of change exist at different level of existence and magnitude...
But changing arbitrarily what we think is a bad piece of gear and UPGRADING it, is often an illusion and a placebo effect at work.... Especially if we dont know how to embed our system in machanical, electrical and acoustical dimensions by ourself....When we are not ourself at the SOURCE of the change experimenting, we fool ourself with ready made costly sometimes illusory placebo change...
Stay away from cables or fuses upgrades especially in the first 7 years of your listening experiments.... 😁😊 They can induce the disease: placeno effect and chasing the tail or worst the moon...
Real change dont need test.... Because when the listener ITSELF is changed this is real most of the times.... When the listener interrogate himself this is unreal....He is not changed at all at this time but look and EXPECT for an external change that is unable and powerless to change him first, than this change is unable to exist by itself....
When the change is real, the sound affect the body by emotion and objective EXPLANABLE cause most of the times, coming from basic science; when it is an unreal change it trick the mind to doubt but is unable to fool the body.... It is the reason why most people upgrade without satisfaction.... They dont know where they go.....Listen not the ears of your mind, but to the body ears.... Experiment....Being in active experiment is very different than being a passive consumers....This is the way to determine how to learn where you must go.... Acoustic basic science can help here and could guide us...
Then, save for exceptional experiment unexplanable but very rare in usual audio life , appealing to unknown science fact is often illusory.... Most change are explanable....But not all for sure.... But the main one are simple based science fact.... Easy to verify....The unexplainable also exist and it is very stupid to think that none exist...It is very simple to EXPERIMENT....At no cost....
I have tuned my room in hundreds of change in a 2 months period and explaining everything with placebo is only possible by those who dont have developed any hearing experiments to help them...
They are like a boat without a rudder? Am i here or there? Why the ocean currents put me here and not there? Where did i travel ? Is my destination an illusion?
And because they are lost in the sea they think all boats they crossed are without rudder....
We are all susceptible to be lost at sea but not always without a compass, mine is acoustic control , control of vibration and control of the noise floor electrical level...No unreal change can fool you and stay long beside the real changes.... The two types of change exist at different level of existence and magnitude...
But changing arbitrarily what we think is a bad piece of gear and UPGRADING it, is often an illusion and a placebo effect at work.... Especially if we dont know how to embed our system in machanical, electrical and acoustical dimensions by ourself....When we are not ourself at the SOURCE of the change experimenting, we fool ourself with ready made costly sometimes illusory placebo change...
Stay away from cables or fuses upgrades especially in the first 7 years of your listening experiments.... 😁😊 They can induce the disease: placeno effect and chasing the tail or worst the moon...
Real change dont need test.... Because when the listener ITSELF is changed this is real most of the times.... When the listener interrogate himself this is unreal....He is not changed at all at this time but look and EXPECT for an external change that is unable and powerless to change him first, than this change is unable to exist by itself....
When the change is real, the sound affect the body by emotion and objective EXPLANABLE cause most of the times, coming from basic science; when it is an unreal change it trick the mind to doubt but is unable to fool the body.... It is the reason why most people upgrade without satisfaction.... They dont know where they go.....Listen not the ears of your mind, but to the body ears.... Experiment....Being in active experiment is very different than being a passive consumers....This is the way to determine how to learn where you must go.... Acoustic basic science can help here and could guide us...
Then, save for exceptional experiment unexplanable but very rare in usual audio life , appealing to unknown science fact is often illusory.... Most change are explanable....But not all for sure.... But the main one are simple based science fact.... Easy to verify....The unexplainable also exist and it is very stupid to think that none exist...It is very simple to EXPERIMENT....At no cost....