Where are the young audiophiles?

I find it alarming that 95% of all audiophiles are seniors.According to a consultant at my local HI-FI store,young people don't seem interested in high-end equipment.They listen to music on their phone.Sooner or later, all the great neighborhood HI-FI stores will not be able to remain open. Kind of sad,don't you think?
I think there's a market to be had, but it's not going to be what their parents and grandparents bought. They don't want stacks of large components and large tower speakers that occupy lots of room and consume lots of power. Younger folks prefer compact, versatile and stylish components. I think the PS Audio Sprout was an excellent example of this. 

I have a halfway decent amount of gear, but if I had to live in a small space, I could be pretty happy with Vista Audio Spark amp powering a pair of Omega Super 3i speakers and a small sub. 
I’m 69, HS class of same.  HiFi boomed as the pot smoking generation came along...not a coincidence IMO!  The High End arose as my generation matured and prospered. The store where I work opened in 1975 and rode the wave.  We are now ageing out and the current generation is not as into HiFi as we were...gaming is more their thing, and while many are just as into music as we were, the science of sound reproduction is less alluring to them. Or so it seems to me based on my observations and my own kids. 

HT right.
The only hi end store close to me WAS 80% home theater. Gone two years ago.

Ludicrous statement. I’m sure department stores feel the same way. Retail is ever evolving and it doesn’t care what you like.

OPGo to any HiFi show and you will notice a minority of is old bastids. Except for the exhibitors.
hard to spare the 4+-figure chunk of change required for this hobby, if one is struggling to pay off exorbitant student loans for non-commercially productive degree programs, while living in parents' basement. basically it is older bankers, engineers, medicos, lawyers, successful entrepreneurs who drive this hobby. working class folk like me are extreme outliers. 
theses days you can buy speakers for $100 and hook them up to your laptop that will sound as good as... well... pretty good. It's a hard sell to justify to pay 20 or 20K for a pair of speakers but not impossible...