I believe what your original inside outside statement means is that the RME will accept an external clock signal over the SPDIF interface
The S/PDIF interface requires the data to be clocked from the source. This is the only way it will work and it is part of the interface specification (the digital pulses representing data will need to be transmitted using the timing of the original music data, such as 44.1Khz or 96Khz, etc.) However, there are some DACs that will re-clock those digital pulses in effort to reduce jitter and increase accuracy. Sometimes this provides an improvement, but not always.
You may be getting confused with DAC/transport systems that use a "master clock" for S/PDIF. In this scenario, there is a separate device that generated exactly timed "clock pulses" to BOTH the transport and dac. The transport and DAC do their audio encoding/decoding based on the timing of the pulses from the master clock device. This is usually a closed proprietary system which requires the transport, dac and master-clock devices to all work together. This is an option usually on $$$$ level equipment.