Hi end audio equip sounds better today than in decades past due to tech - T/F

I am in a hi-end audio store today, speaking with the owner, who has been in the audio business for almost 40 yrs. Super nice guy. Can talk up a storm - but as a good thing... where someone like me can learn a thing or two.

He said something that I found curious... audio equipment (pres, amps, rcvrs, speakers) sound better today than just 20 years ago, b/c ’they didn’t have the same technology back then we have today'. Why? Better materials, better components, better r/d... the stuff just sounds better in today’s world, he is telling me.

Coming from someone who doesn’t know any better.... is there any truth to this?
I have actively pursued high end audio for fifty years. Each decade has been market by a sizable improvement in sound. At first it was basic design using available components, then carefully chosen components, then advances in materials, then designers have components designed for high end audio. It is pealing the onion and closing on reality through different designs, tubes, semiconductor, etc. competition drives companies besting each other.

Every component I have replaced that was over ten years old greatly surprised me how much better it was. I am sure that will not end anytime soon.
Generally yes. But i can think of many designs that stand the test of time. Technology has advanced considerably, parts are better, exotic materials are used more frequently but old and new ideas work equally the same.
50 - 70 years ago we used tubes, turntables, high-efficiency speakers and vinyl recorded through tubes and discrete electronics - in other words complete analog systems. Today, we use digital through out our systems and media. In my opinion, digital is more convenient but very rarely sounds better than an all analog system from back then.
Speaker used to be the "weakest link" (talking about dynamic speakers). Today, companies like B&W and Magico are producing products that are really special. I just wish J. Gordon Holt and H.P., RIP, could have heard them.
No, 20 years ago, 2001. (between 01-21)
Yes 40 years ago, 1981.  (between 81-01)
No 60 years ago, 1961 . (before 1961)

I had to think on that.  I really think from the 80s to 2000 things were pretty heavy, ran extremely hot, were HUGE, prone to a lot of electrolytic leaks and failures. They started using LEDs, small planars were being developed. A LOT stronger, lighter, and UN affordable composite were developed (now they are affordable).

Pre 61, LOL The last of the On/Off volume controls. Remember You turned on the unit and that was the volume control too. They still use them today in a pro tube amps. All together different. Valves.
SS was truly JUNK. Transistor radios, what piles of heaping trash..
A TV, you could barely move in a room without it going wiggy.
Radio was a lot more popular when I was a kid.. TV was on the weekends for a couple hours.. Bonanza, and Lawrence Welk. :-)