Keeping backup equipment?

I recently had to send my amplifier in For service. In its place I picked up a used Schiit Vidar to tide me over. 
So now that I have my main amplifier back and it seems to back to making me happy I’m wondering if I should keep the Schiit or sell it. On one hand it makes sense to have a backup ready to go, on the other my main amp has
been flawless for several years. So it sort of seems a waste and maybe someone, like me, may need one on the cheap.

so for those running separates, do you have backups stored away for emergency’s?
If you can use the money for something else you want, sell it. Amps don't fail that often from what I've seen. That being said, I do have spares.
You need to have all kinds of backups because different speakers need different kinds of amplifiers keep the schiit amp and possibly even setup a second system around it that you can enjoy.
If the amp on my music system went out, I'd scavenge from my home theater system.  But if you don't have a home theater system, maybe you should hang onto the Shiit...
Keep it I have 4 systems in the house 1 in my workshop and an old Yamaha for the back deck.