Name calling like that is unacceptable really, by anyone. Unnecessary.
Such behavior needs to change. Stalking and trolling along with it.
I'm guilty of saying things that I regret later. - rixthetrick
Why doesn't MC simply go outboard with his crossover?
I can tell you why I would wait to go outboard, unless it was an intention in the original design (Eric did not design it to be outboard).
I would have to determine that the new crossover is indeed superior to the old crossover first. Then I'd have to determine which conductors I'd decide would best go with the lengthening of wires from the crossover.
Knowing that in order to correctly implement an outboard crossover, generally terminals needs to be added to connect the extra wires for the three way driver configuration that was implemented in the original design.
I suppose sealed pairs of wires could come out the back of the cabinet, requiring engineering and modification of the cabinet.
Once such an undertaking takes place, there is really no turning back to restore them to original, as it stands, he can restore to original with a soldering iron, by restoring the original crossovers.
There would be no good reason to run all of his internal speakers wires (which are quite a few, considering the array) through his port, and so further modification to the cabinet would be required.
That's why I would do it in stages, if I was asked the same question.