How many vinyl albums do you own you listen to?

So far I own around 300 vinyl albums all purchased in a last 20 years. Even while I listen to for about 10 albums a week it seems I want to keep adding more and more to my library. I wonder if there is a point when one says it's enough, there is no point to add more as there is no time or an interest to listen to them all. How many do you have? How much time it look to put it together? How many of them do you really listen? 
About 9000. I’ve been collecting since 1973 during a stint in the Navy. The Navy Exchange sold new for $5 a pop back then. During 9 months on Guam we bought a ton of albums. Mostly a 100 70’s RnB and the rest are jazz. We can’t get enough jazz you know.
I have about 2050 cataloged in Discogs and perhaps a thousand or so more that are yet to be cataloged. I buy more every week. I have a an excellent system and prefer vinyl to digital (I also have about 3000 CD's give or take). I started collecting vinyl around age 12, migrated to almost all CD's in the 90's and returned to vinyl (with a vengeance) about a decade ago after setting up my old turntable just to see if I could hear a difference after listening to digital exclusively for almost twenty years. I was floored at how much of the music, presence, dimensionality, and emotion I had been missing when I did that needle-drop. I stopped buying CD's on that day and have been buying new and used vinyl ever since. I've come to the conclusion that life's too short to listen to digital and I prefer the medium over all others-- but it sure took me a long time to realize that!
am right behind @ebm, count wise, have just under 5K, mostly classical and 50s jazz, with about 8% rock/pop. Had to build shelving units to hold them all. 
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I get a lot of joy from my LP music collection. I buy one to four LP's a month.
I listen to at least 300+ a year. Many more than once. My wife and I enjoy listening in a living room vintage setup. My son has a deck in his bed room. My good deck and gear in basement  along with majority of LP's.
I'm ashamed of how my large collection is so disorganized I've no clue what I own.
Three large Ikea wall shelfs full of LP's.
About eight or ten cubicles are high quality LP's bought new the past 15 years? The remaining are a mix of good used and "listenable" used. Mostly classic rock but Blues and Jazz as well. 

I seriously need to organize and catalog this mess. To be honest I'm very ADD an it's difficult for me to start the task of organizing my collection.