Cleaning house ~ Completely unclear on values if any

Greetings. I used to be an avid hi fi junkie but years ago went to the dark side of streaming and wireless. I joined here simply to find out if my Rotel amp (970BX), Rotel CD player (same era), Musical Designs SP-1 (w/ some fancy upgraded tube(s?), and some ultra cool Elac speakers (German) which though small, weigh a ton and sound(ed) EXCELLENT (as I recall). I’d be disappointed to think that all these components are worthless. All in excellent condition and in original packaging (except for the speakers). Thank you for any thoughts you might share.  As stated earlier; I’ve been completely out of the online audiophile community for years. 
Reading thru this thread brought back a memory of years ago.   Pre Ebay.  Pre Internet.   Possibly of such "worthless" notion of value.
Visiting my local Salvation Army I came across a pair of Accuphase units. Pre and Power amp.  Both of them.  $250.00.  Should have purchase them straight away.  Thought about it.  Went back the next day, Gone.

One person's trash is another's person's treasure.

No on ebay, unless you want to sell fast. Audiogon or Reverb I have found are the best. I won't go back to ebay.
I’ll try here and/or reverb today or tomorrow. Never got around to’s been a busy week