The human body is itself a measuring apparatus but contrary to our other measuring tools our body react to many parameters combined in many dimensions at the same time and translate that in a "sensation"....This is a citation from my last post here above and i want to add an example of what i speak about when i speak about the multidimensional parameters which are timed together and synchronized in the sound perception by the brain which are not measurable by conventional tool of engineering...
Audio is more complex than electronical engineering only... This is my grain of salt in the soup of those who vouch by their "electrical engineering" faith and such partial knowledge erase any possibilities about " directed wiring" experience of perception....
This article is not directly connected to the wire subject but illustrate well how human perception is not reducible to an external object like signals in a wire and a corresponding stimulus sensation or his absence.... Reality is not so simple it is not an object with a subject it is a bit more complicated than that..... Sorry.... Reality resulted from a recreation by the brain and is participated by the consciousness which is NEVER external totally to it.... It is the reason why there is no science at the singular but only SCIENCES in the plural....
Here is an article describing surprizing way the brain reorganize sensations/stimulis at different time scale or from different dimensions, and i recommend it especially for those here who always speak of " placebo" instead of figuring out for themselves the complexities in perception :