So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?
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In the red corner, we have the amateur objectivists, who have brought their top high school level physics game, and a small but loud group of supporters.

It the blue corner, we have the professional subjectivists, supported by a loud rancorous crowd. They have also brought their top level high school physics game, but have been working extra hard on their irrelevance game.

The bell will ring in 30 seconds. We expect lots of action, lots of slapping, but few blows being landed in this seemingly never ending fight. There appears to be a lack of interest in knowing what is going on in either side, so this is likely to go the full 15 rounds.

Get your popcorn ready, it is going to be entertaining.
In the red corner, we have the amateur objectivists, who have brought their top high school level physics game, and a small but loud group of supporters.
For sure being objectivist or subjectivist made no sense...Save for children playing in a schoolyard...

Science is not so narrowingly minded.... Me too.... Open working minds are trustful and skeptic at the same time.... Being one or the other has no appeal....

andy21,294 posts05-13-2021 8:47pmNot sure why but Audioquest has a lot of hates from the "objectivist" bunch. Their dBS has generated a lot of ridicules.

It’s funny to see these frequency response and distortion measurement.

Thank you for posting the videos in support of expensive cables performing better. Actually...they don’t... AudioQuest was actually worse at the expense of $2,400.00.

Game, set, match. The argument for better performance is nothing more than lies.

3,981 posts
05-14-2021 11:17am

Figure insertion loss for your application.


The single most important piece of information on the right side of the calculator is the net power loss in the cable. This is a measure of how much of the amplifier power is dissipated in the cable, before it ever gets to the loudspeaker. The lower the power loss, the more power actually goes into making sound. For an 8-ohm loudspeaker connected to 40 feet of 18-gauge zip cord, the power loss is about ½ dB, which is neither audible nor significant, especially for an amplifier with high power output. So, from the standpoint of power transmission, 18-gauge wire is suitable for many home applications. But for longer cable runs, the losses can be greater and you should consider changing to a larger diameter cable.

Another result to note is that, for many cables, the roll-off frequency is well above 20 kHz, the upper limit of the audible frequency range. If the roll-off frequency is below 80 kHz, you might consider changing your cable to a larger diameter."

Thank you for your post.