Advice on amplifier and B&W speaker pairing

I know this topic has been covered before, but I’m looking for recommendations on two specific amplifiers and what the optimal pairing would be for B&W 800D3 speakers. The speakers have not arrived yet, but I already own the amplifiers: Nagra Classic Amp and the Audio Research Reference 150SE. I’m guessing most people will suggest that I listen to each configuration, and make a decision myself as to what option sounds best. I’m looking for more technical guidance though. The idea is to keep the better matched amplifier and sell the other. The preamp being used is the Audio Reference GSPre

My dilemma: I adore the 150SE and generally prefer tubes over to SS. However, even though the ARC can push out 150 watts on the 4ohm tap, and the B&W has a sensitivity of 90db - this speaker has a wild impedance curve (3 ohm-20 ohm) and has some pretty significant phase angles. I’m wondering if ANY tube amplifier can deal with these types of loads. Because one must choose the correct tap, it seems the amplifier will never be running in it’s comfort zone. I think my biggest concern is how the frequencies could possibly be skewed at the upper frequencies.

The Nagra wouldn’t have these issues, but only outputs 100W into 8ohms and approx 175W into 4ohm. Considering the 90dB sensitivity of the B&W... perhaps this is the better option?

Setting aside sonic preferences. What do people recommend in this situation? Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback everyone. The speakers will arrive tomorrow and I'll be testing both the Nagra and ARC with them.

I'm not really sure what to expect, but based on a few of the comments here, it sounds like the 150SE may work perfectly fine. The flipside is that neither amplifier will work adequately and these speakers require more power than the Nagra and ARC can output. If that's the case, I guess I can always add another Nagra and use them in bridged-mono mode. 

Considering the 800D3 is rated at 90dB/1W - I'd think that both amplifiers have enough watts to play loud, it seems the real question is regarding current. 

It's a hobby for me and I enjoy testing new components/configurations. It will be interesting to see how this one turns out. 
Audio Research Reference 150SE will be a bit “underdamping” solution, which will not give you the best of bass/lows tones out of BWs. You may look into decent output current amps, like PASS/Accus/etc. BWs in many occasions are “amp” limited beast. 
Sorry but you won’t be able to realize full potential of 800D3’s with any tube amps. I used to own B&W 800D2’s, went through quite a few amps including class A/B and Tube (ARC GS150). They did not start rocking until I paired them with Bel Canto Ref600M monoblocks. B&W’s especially the 800 loves brute power :-)