Good power cord vs Killer power cord?

I have down sized some stuff in my rig and am wondering what to do. I am purchasing a brand spanking new Audio Magic Mini Digital that will be going into a dedicated outlet. It will be used just for my cdp. Got two power cords. One is very good, and one is drop dead amazing-(Harmonix Studio Master, case you're dying to know). Which do you put where? Dedicated outlet to AM?
AM to CDP?
My thinking is to go with the good cord directly from the outlet to the AM, and the killer cord from the AM to the cdp. I'd appreciate your experiences, as to what you have found that gives you electric nirvana. thanks guys. warren :)
Its hard to say, either place you put it will be the weak link. My experience has been that power cords on power conditioners and digital make the greatest difference, I can't tell you which one is greater. I don't agree that the power cord coming out of the wall is simply an extension of the in wall wiring, not with the great differences I've heard in various power cords going to the power conditioner.
You could also argue that since the cord coming out of the wall is the first in the chain it is the most important, it feeds everything to follow. As the others have mentioned, try both ways and see which is best.
I would also try killer cord directly from wall straight into the amp. My experience has been to use the conditioner only for source components. It may or may not work for you, but worth a try.
Havent tried out power conditioners,recently bought a Cardas GR and a JPS power cord.They replaced the Signal ones.After 2 weeks I can tell no difference.This is with Counterpoint,Merlin and modded DVD players for system.What to do?Or kaygardnayho as they say in Kathmandu,cheers,Bob
I like the PAD Dominus too, although I've only seriously A-B'd it with PAD Venustas (and the Dominus always wins!)

Right now, I have two Domini, one goes to an Exactpower EP-15A regenerator, and one goes to a Levinson 23.5 amp. They both outperformed the Venustas (which BTW outperformed everything else) in those two positions.

The Venustas now powers a Wadia DAC from an Exactpower SP-15A balanced power unit (the SP bal. gets its power from a 10AWG umbilical to the EP regen.) Again, on the DAC, the Venustas works better than anything else, but I'd like to try a Dominus on the DAC someday.

Question: does anybody understand why big (gauge) power cords seem to work so well with DACs or CDPs? I mean, energy transfer should be adequate for these (low power)devices using smaller size cords. Why do they always (and in my experience it really has been always) sound better with big (conductor size) cords?