Music Hall MMF 7.3 Question

What are some upgrades to the MMF 7.3 that users think have benefits such as cartridges and platter? Other than this table seems to react to cartridge upgrades rather well I haven't seen much else. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
Ok smart azz...the mmf-7.3 costs just as much as your beloved and much over rated dj, not to mention fugly, technics.


My turntables are Luxman PD-444 (two of them), Victor TT-101 and Denon DP-80 if you didn’t get it yet.

I sold my beloved Technics long time ago, it wasn’t the SL1200 series you are referring too !!! Actually only one tonearm cost $5000

I recommend new and cheaper Technics for those who wish to buy a great “made in Japan” turntable under $1000 (or under $1700) !

There is NOTHING better at this price on the market today since Technics returned with $4k SL1200GAE and intoduced SP10R and then made SL1200G, GR (for $1700) and Mk7 (for $900)... all with super powerful and precise/stable coreless direct drive motor and great (fully adjustable) tonearms with detachable headshell!

At certain age it’s too hard to understand (or too late to discover) something you never tried before and won’t try today.

But my posts about Technics addressed to other people, not to you with your overpriced belt drive toys and almost zero knowledge about Japanese direct drive turntables and tonearms.

A person who associate Technics only with DJ turntables is know nothing c.....t

Post removed 
Music Hall for the money is a very good turntable. Well thought out design but is no match for a VPI or something similar in my opinion. A dealer who is a vinyl head said Roy Halls tables are poop and you have to spend $4k or more to get really good sound from vinyl. He knew Roy Hall and told him that to his face lol. Personally I don’t think his tables are poop but designed around a price point. Plain and simple but they do outperform a lot of tables below approximately $3K. I enjoyed mine but moved on to a VPI Classic and a Dynavector 20x2L. No comparison. I never tried a MC cartridge on the 7.3 but I’m sure it would have raised the sound quality quite a bit.
That table isn't really designed to be "upgraded".  It's a decent table and will respond well to cartridge upgrades, but you'll never get what a cartridge is fully capable of delivering on that table.  You can do some tweaks to isolate it better if needed - platforms, isolation pucks, etc., but it's not worth putting a lot of money into.  It's a very decent plug and play table, but that's what it is. 

The turntable is your foundation.  If it's not up to the task, putting a better cartridge on it won't allow you to realize the potential of that cartridge.  As far as I know, you can't upgrade that tonearm, and if you could, it wouldn't be worth it.  The motor is what it is.  It's nice that it's isolated, but it may not be spot on for speed unless you have it in the right spot.  Have you ever tested the speed?

You're better off saving the money you'd spend on tweaks for a better table with a better plinth, motor, bearings, tonearm, wiring, etc.  That all matters.

I had a 7.1 and it was a decent table, but not in the same league as my VPI Classic 2 or Acoustic Signature Wow XL (which of course cost a lot more).  I've owned more affordable turntables that were better than the 7.1 including my Technics SL1200 MK2 (with a few tweaks) and JVC QL-Y66F, both of which I picked up for around $500 each. 

The guy who put down the SL1200 and claimed the 7.3 is better, is certainly entitled to his opinion, but having owned both (well, close - the 7.1 and 7.3 are pretty much the same), I disagree.  I still have the SL 1200 MK2 in my main system (out of 6 tables I own) and no longer own the MMF 7.1, if that tells you anything.
There is "zero" isolation issues with the do not need bigger the turntable on a dedicated wall mounted shelf, that’s it! The dual plinth design with detached motor, excellent tonearm, and quiet main bearing makes this turntable a great value. The 2m bronze is a fantastic mm cartridge, this coming from a devote mc fan. For the price of the mmf-7.3, there is nothing close to it. The table "can" be upgraded...use a ring mat or a stein music also responds very well to cartridge upgrades, as verified in the can also upgrade the interconnects.....honestly there is nothing to really upgrade substantially, as Roy has done his homework....the table has been around for years and years, so I do not think it’s crap.
The fact the guy above no longer owns the table tells me he is deaf.