Jeff Rowland Corus versus Audio Research Ref 6

Has anyone compared the JR Corus to the Audio Research Ref 6? From a technical perspective, will the Ref 6 work well with the Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amp?
Last night I swapped back in my Rowland model 8T with Jeff's mods and I was once again reminded why this amp is such a great match up to my new CAT preamp. The amp is just so incredibly well built and gives one such a feeling of quality that I doubt I will ever sell it. I have had numerous amps come and go in the past, but really none have had the feeling of 'solidity' that the JR offers...not even close!
Very interesting, Richard. DartZeel probably gets you the final 10% but at a cost.
DartZeel and several others come at significantly higher cost than I'm willing to spend. Especially without hearing them in my system. 
When I had a Rowland amp/ careful.....they used a non-standard wiring config for their balanced operation.