Seller ants my credit card info

Seems strange a guy was selling a pair of Raidho D2 fairly good deal. Now he wants my credit card info and he’s not a dealer. I should be concerned?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xgsc068
Well while your at it, would you PM me the information too. Include your SS number, DOB, Mother maiden name, place of birth.

I promise to keep it safe. Really.

I'll keep it safe for the simple fee of 12k a year 30 year contract. YOU pay the income tax liability, state and fed. Need to make that clear..

I'll sent the electronic copy, you only need open it to comply and enforce the terms of the contract..

Thank you for the opportunity to sucker punch your dance card. The 360K worth of TAX free money that will earn 2.2 million in compound interest (tax free) in the 30 year period.. Just a bonus...

AND while reading my offer is NOT a commitment it is a binder in that it will cost 15,000.00 usd to release the binder. Just standard STUFF.

Do We Cheat Them and How, DBA as "The Law Firm"

Regard.. :-)
PayPal might protect you but I would do some research first.  I would also call my credit card company and ask them about the same.  As a consumer you have 60 days to dispute a charge on your credit card so you also may be protected that way also.
Not only do you never give anyone but a *verified* dealer your credit card number. You should only use PayPal and pay from a credit card which you feel will back you up in case you need to dispute the charge. To me, Amex is the best hands down. It depends on how good your intuition is and if it is going off. For me, if not so much I may use VISA within PayPal. If I am a smidge concerned. But not enough to cancel the deal, then I use Amex within PayPal.