Magico compared to Tannoy

Trying to leave aside partisanship, how would you describe the approach to sound reproduction and sound character (not quality, though it may be hard to avoid)? I understand they are polar opposites but I’m curious how you’d describe.   
You can get the Magico and put cotton balls in your ears. It will be the equivalent of listening to the Tannoy.
Once in a while, if you feel like hearing what’s on the recording, you have the option of taking the cotton balls out 😉
@mglik Indeed, I am a Cantor.  I started my career in classical singing like you. Best of luck in your endeavors.   
gammaman, not to mention the JC 1+ is a better sounding amp than the Boulder. Boulder wastes a lot of money in fancy CNCed chassis and building them in America. The parts used in the JC 1+ are just as good if not better. It has a basic chassis and face plate that Parasound uses in several units saving money. Parasound is a brilliant company expert at making fantastic products at a reasonable price. The JC 3 phono stage is another prime example. You will not believe the difference when you fire up the JC 1s for the first time. 
You are so right. Not nice at all. The owners have so much invested, they don't want to hear it. Same for both speakers. Perhaps I should retract that and proclaim my undying love for both.