Anyone familiar with Canare 4s11 speaker wire sound and break in time

Hi, I just bought some canare 4s11 for a second system. My main speaker cables are Audience au24 and in another system TG Audio or also known as Bob Crumps silver solid core wire. I've heard the break in can be long. I hooked them up last night they sounded pretty good but now its gone south so I hooked it up to a receiver in a spare room and running in 24/7. I've heard 250 hours to 500.

I know it's very inexpensive wire but heard a lot of good things for the money, and just wanted to give it a try, hell $1.18 a foot free shipping. It is going to be used with tube pre and amp and tube dac streaming only. What are you impressions of this wire and did you find break in long and does it change back and forth during break in? Thanks for any insight
It took all of 400 hours for my 4S11 cables to settle in.  I ran them 24/7 for 20 days.  Yes, some days they will sound great and then not.  Once you get to the 200 hour range, all the changes from there on in will be for the better.  Canare also told me 400 hours as well.  I already have a thread on Canare 4S11 I started  in December2019.  I concluded it in early 2020.  If you read through it, you will see how they sounded at different intervals.

Stick with it, they are the best thing since sliced bread.
Thanks, I'll let them run a few weeks and try them again. I've got ask how do you know which direction to break them in, there's no arrow. I just ran them in direction of the writing toward the speaker if that really matters.
Anyone run 2, 4s11 or a pair of them, (total 8 conductors)in shot gun form. If so I could order another set tomorrow. If 2 is better than one why not it's only another $20 and can break them in together and be done with it.
I used internal biwire 4S11 for a while - I thought they sounded good off the bat and enjoyed them.  Great bang for the buck.