To expand a little on Ralph and bdp's comments, many years ago Bell Labs research found that a delay of at least 10 ms between direct and and reflected sound increased clarity and definition. Any time less that that leads to smearing of information. So it is important for any dipole distance from the front wall.
As mentioned, sound waves travel at something very close to 1' per ms. So 5' minimum distance out from the front wall is recommended. When that distance is not possible then diffusion panels should be utilized.
This applies to all speaker designs for sidewall distance. The distance from front baffle board to the first reflection point on each sidewall should be 10' greater than the distance from drivers to the listener's ears.
As mentioned, sound waves travel at something very close to 1' per ms. So 5' minimum distance out from the front wall is recommended. When that distance is not possible then diffusion panels should be utilized.
This applies to all speaker designs for sidewall distance. The distance from front baffle board to the first reflection point on each sidewall should be 10' greater than the distance from drivers to the listener's ears.