If money was not an object I would call Eric say build me your SOTA Assault Speakers, stat, only make em all Duelund and Path, designed with outboard crossovers and hang on I will be sending you some stuff to go in there. I would call Max say build Eric some F1wires for internal. I would call Krissy say you want to see Utah? Cuz I am flying you out to paint and stuff just load em up, Quantum those suckers to the next dimension. Oh and then you are going on to Texas where you do the same with Dave, since money is no object he will be building me some sweet Raven mono blocks to be run off the Allegri Reference pre-amp Max will be making. Which you can then fly to the UK to massage, or come do your magic here, your call, just so I get my Krissy magic.
This was a huge bang for the buck. It was however a lot of work. No doubt about it. For less effort but a lot more money all Be drivers would be a no-brainer. But I like Plan A a lot better.
A question for MC or anyone...if you had an opportunity to replace the drivers or all of the components you worked on what would you do if money was not an object. Where do you think the biggest bang for the buck is between the drivers and the caps/ resistors etc?
If money was not an object I would call Eric say build me your SOTA Assault Speakers, stat, only make em all Duelund and Path, designed with outboard crossovers and hang on I will be sending you some stuff to go in there. I would call Max say build Eric some F1wires for internal. I would call Krissy say you want to see Utah? Cuz I am flying you out to paint and stuff just load em up, Quantum those suckers to the next dimension. Oh and then you are going on to Texas where you do the same with Dave, since money is no object he will be building me some sweet Raven mono blocks to be run off the Allegri Reference pre-amp Max will be making. Which you can then fly to the UK to massage, or come do your magic here, your call, just so I get my Krissy magic.
This was a huge bang for the buck. It was however a lot of work. No doubt about it. For less effort but a lot more money all Be drivers would be a no-brainer. But I like Plan A a lot better.