TANNOY will stop Hi-FI ?

Hello all,
I heard Tannoy will give up the Hi-Fi part of their iconic brand. They would stop the public part for developping the "Pro" side. Do you have some infos ?
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Another one bites the dust :(

This is what will happen ...
Production moves to China ...
Sales of Tannoy drops even further because why would you pay the same price when the novelty (hand-built in Europe) has worn off ...
Tannoy becomes just one more of the many lackluster, run-of-the-mill speaker companies trying to cash in on a 'proud' legacy ...
A new speaker company from China pops up, and surprisingly their speakers look, feel, and sound just like Tannoy with almost identical technology/drivers ...
Word on the street is that the Tannoy clones are actually not clones, but just re-branded speakers made in the same factory and the same workers, offered at half the price ...

Not certain if it has actually happened yet, but they were supposed to have closed the Coatbridge Scotland factory due to some lease issue and the fact that someone wants to build housing on the property....there is no definitive answer that I can find that confirms this has happened. I bought my Tannoy Legacy Eatons January 2020, maybe they were one of the last pair made there. The date of construction on speakers was late 2019. It would be a shame if the closure does happen, or has already occurred. However, like someone previously pointed out, rejoice in the fact that you own the Tannoys, no matter what happens. 
I bought a new set of Cheviot a few months back from Upscale. They're the bee's knee's. If the big T do go defunct, their value might increase if anything. 
That's too bad but seems like Tannoy home audio products were not widely distributed in the US to start with anymore plus they tend to be pricey so if that is any indicator I can understand why they just might punt on home audio altogether.  Very competitive market!  I've always wanted to hear certain Tannoy models but never had an opportunity.  No local dealers and never noticed a pair of interest at the local hifi show.