Need recommendations for 20' speaker cable

When I first moved in my place years ago, my speakers fired down the long wall in a rectangular room. The speakers were 5 ft out from the front wall and the rear wall was 12 ft behind my listening seat. My amplifier was between the speakers so the standard 10 ft run of cable was sufficient.

Currently the system is turned 90° and as shown in my Virtual System pics, the speakers fire down the short wall with my listening seat directly at the rear wall.

Out of curiosity, I purchased a 100 ft spool of generic speaker cable and moved my speakers to their old location. I knew this would happen but I immediately got more depth, more separation of instruments. More localization of musicians, etc.

I don't want to move my rack so if I keep it this way I'm going to need 20 ft of speaker cables. The fact that I now use monitors and the terminals are 2 ft off of the floor only worsens the situation regarding length.

So, long story long, I'm looking for recommendations on 20 ft speaker cables preferably under $1,000 new or used.

GearIT also has 12 and 10 AWG versions of these cables, plus bulk and various connectors if you want to roll your own. Then take the $900 you just saved and invest in acoustical treatment for your room that will really make an audible improvement. 

I was always skeptical until I tried a pair of Acoustimac 36 X 4 bass traps. That was enough audible evidence for me to invest in the rest of a whole room package. 

GearIT 14AWG Premium Heavy Duty Braided Speaker Wire Cable (25 Feet) Dual Gold Plated Banana Plug Tips - In-Wall CL2 - Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) Black
I gave the OP (devilboy) a pair of 20 foot long Groneberg Quattro Reference speaker cables.  He received them a couple of weeks ago.  I was going to sell them to him but decided to give them away to him for zip, didn't even cost him  shipping.  I am still waiting to hear  regarding if he likes or not.
That was a kind and generous act on behalf of devilboy. I’m curious to know if they are a good fit in his system.
Thanks for the cables. It was a very nice gesture. I’ll PM you with more specific details regarding the arrangement.

Two days ago, I acquired new speakers, Rethm Bhaava. They only accept bananas so I’ll return your Gronebergs which I am so grateful for you sending to me.

That said, while I had the Gronebergs on the Fritz, I didn’t care for them that much. I gave them some time and played a lot of different music on them but ultimately they just weren’t my cup of tea. On the Fritz, they were a little too bright and lacking in some warmth, especially in the mid-range.

My previous speaker cables were Mark Tunis and I thoroughly enjoyed them. For some reason I thought he stopped producing cables but after reaching out to him I discovered that he still was doing his thing so I ordered a 20 foot pair for the Rethms.

I’ll post pictures in a day or two.
These are my second pair of Rethyms and I'm very happy.

Once again, thank you for the opportunity for allowing me to experience the cables, it was much appreciated.

Don't bother sending the cables back.  I  still have a 15 foot pair that I am not using.  Perhaps you can give to a budding audiophile?