I have question about my Denon DVD-3910 universal player. I searched the archives and there are 217 threads with questions and comments about this player, but I could not find even one on this particular subject. Yikes.
The DVD-3910 has two sets of analog outputs; multi-channel and stereo. I have connected my preamp (Audio Research LS-25) to the stereo output pair and it sounds pretty good. The player also allows connection to the L/R main channels of the multi-channel output with some set-up adjustments in the audio menu (channel “multi” to “2 channel”.) Has anyone compared these two output options and noted any sonic differences?
I know my curiosity will get the better of me and I’ll have to try both, but thought I’d ask to see if anyone else had tried this.
Rest of the system – Krell Showcase amp, ML Aeon i speakers, Meridian 568 processor, and miles and miles and miles of AudioQuest cable.
Well, y'know, it never occured to me to try it and compare but, as you know, you are in a perfect position to find out for yourself. And that, of course, is better than anyone else's opinion.
I tried and really couldn't decern any sonic difference. I did have a 5910 in the system for about 3 weks and felt that the 2 channel out put was better than the multi as a 2 channel. But Denon claims to have a better DAC on the front two than the surround on the 5910. I may still upgrade back to the 5910 the picture quality was definetly better. I had aproblem with the particular 5910 and have since received a good solution from Denon.
Pop the cover and take a look. I suspect that the multichannel left and right outlets are hard wired to the stereo outlets. When I play a stereo disc on my 2900 the output is available via the multichannel interface. I don't even have the stereo interface connected.
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