Bricasti M3 vs. Holo Audio May vs. PS Audio DS

I don’t have any experience with DACs.  This is for streaming only.  Any thoughts?  Thanks!
OP, though I am a "listen" and not a "measure" person, do a bit of research on PS Audio before purchasing.

As others have mentioned the Bricasti is the superior product. PS Audio is mostly overhyped audiophile crap.


What are you talking about?
The last DS firmware update was early 2019.
The latest is advertised as "the last."
You are the first aphile I've heard of that dislikes better sound.

Just the firmware. Exquisite new SQ.  My doundstage literally jumped back. Streamers that sounded the same are now quite different. 
Everything else the same
Fuzz# wasn’t the last update for the DAC  called Wyndham? Now it looks like it’s called sunshine. Am I talking about the same thing? That the different program should make the DAC sound different? Do you

How does the M3 compare to the M21?  

On the M21, do you prefer the R2R section?
@ jayrossi13, I purchased the Bricasti M21 DAC and it is truly excellent.   The M21 DAC is used in my main audio system and the Bricasti M3 DAC is used in my 2-channel home theatre system.   Both DAC's are truly excellent but the M21 DAC is the best of the best (IMHO). 

I use the laddered DAC option and use an AES/EBU cable from my Aurender N20 Music Server to the DAC.   I also have an USB Cable connected but rarely use it.  

I am very satisfied with the sound quality of this system and so are my friends that have heard it.  I also installed the Bricasti MDx digital in the M21 DAC and the sound quality improved.   The MDx board is an outstanding upgrade and is HIGHLY recommended.   The Bricasti M21 DAC is truly an outstanding DAC and is highly recommended.  I hope this helps,