Class D amps that are superior to all or most?

Recently, I have heard about some Class D amps that may be close to the best there is regardless of class. Certainly, this technology has been in development for decades. The main issue has always been the switching power supply. In this regard, I have taken notice of AGD. They have created a whole new power supply that “switches” at a frequency 100 times the normal silicon based MOSFET. The designer uses a gallium nitride based PS. Interesting, it is enclosed in the KT88 glass envelope that sits on top of his amps. I am aware of two more pricey amps that seem to be also at the top- the Solution and the Merrill. There must be others that compete for the title. After my thread, “Is there a SS amp that can satisfy a SET guy?”, I am still on the quest.
Don’t want to spend $50K!
That reviewer really liked the Technics amp especially its phono sound and capabilities including ability to digitally correct per cartridge at least with the Ortofon black cart used.   
Yes, I thought that was a neat feature, the way the Technics "listens' to the cartridge and applies its magic to it.
I found another reviewer who's somewhat of a Technics fan and his take on the R1000 and how it compares to a much more expensive Technics line:
He, too, is a big fan of what the Technics does for LPs. I believe it can store up to three different settings for as many cartridges.

All the best,
I just want to mention one other note on the Edge A2-300 Class D amp. It uses the exact same Ice Modules that Jeff Roland uses in his latest Class D amps and the Edge A2-300 puts out a potent 150 watts per channel in to 8 ohms and it is bridgeable in to mono so one could use two of them for more powerful monblocks.
ricevs, I checked with Legacy, and you are correct; the amp is not differential, but the bridged modules when run mono are. I have revised the article accordingly, and it will appear revised on the website.

The channels are not using only one half of a stereo module, but are bridged. 

As regards your claims of performance with your mods, a couple thoughts. I review retail products, not much in terms of mods. So, I recuse myself from it.

In addition, and there is nothing personal in this at all, unless you have a proper business and discuss what precisely you do in your mods, I would not recommend anyone send off equipment to such entities. I deal with people who make claims on equipment every week, and I have learned personally and professionally that the modded gear has no advantage over any other given stock retail gear. YMMV   :) 

James at Legacy Audio here- I wanted to expound on some things 
for the community. The iV4 Ultra version dedicates the whole power supply of an 1200AS2 to supply the exceptionally high current capability. We have the iV amplifier on display in our CA showroom- Destination HiFi. We’ve been testing them thoroughly, here, and the dynamic range the iV amps provide offers huge benefits for all speakers. 

Additionally, when you look at the dynamic range capabilities of stereo source material (which is predominantly recorded at 24 bits) and the emergence of streaming high resolution two channel audio as well as Atmos surround sound, using an amplifier that can keep up with the dynamic range is increasingly beneficial. I invite anyone who wants to further understand the advantages of these incredible amps, to stop by and hear what they can do!

All the best,
