Your favorite OCC speaker cable

I've gotten good sound with my Analysis Plus Crystal Solo interconnects and may go for their speaker wire. But I like to wait for something used to come along, and it could be a long wait.

In the meantime, if there's a speaker wire with OCC that you've liked, I'd be curious to know what's worked for you.
Doh MC.
Analysis Plus wants 1000% more $$$ for AG balanced ICs than Dyson Audio asks.
Hard to believe that they sound 10 X better. Looks like they are recouping funds for the patent.
MC If you feign ignorance to the topic all you are doing is trolling as usual.

Analysis Plus wants 1000% of Dyson Audio $$ for balanced AG ICs.
It's not believable to me that they sound 10 X better.
It’s called being provocative. As in trying to provoke thought. An uphill battle. The way it is supposed to work, a light goes on in someone’s head as they think yeah, what the heck is OCC anyway? And why does it matter? This we hope leads to the reader thinking of all the many times they have heard it is long grain, or skin effect, or geometry, or dielectric, or any of a million other stories. All of which, if they do think about it, they start to realize that each time the stories seemed really good and compelling. Like they made perfect sense. Until a month later they find something sounds way better even in spite of doing none of those things. So the stories are just stories.

Which is why in all seriousness, not only do I not know what OCC is, I care even less to find out. All I want is for maybe someone to stop for one second and think, instead of going on and on mindlessly repeating all these stories as if they determine sound quality. That’s all.
Since I started the thread, I will answer for myself, and others can chime in. First, let me stand up on this Townshend podium so I can isolate myself from people who don’t think because there are too many imperceptible vibrations coming up through this concrete floor.

  1. I’m interested in getting a better than average speaker cable. Because, I heard, everything matters.
  2. I’ve gotten advice from a few people who have been trying cables and listening for the differences between cables over three decades. With their guidance, I compared OCC interconnects, digital and analog, with others. With OCC, I heard a clear improvement. I’ll spare you the details. I had friends listen and they heard it too.
  3. When I decided to try for a better speaker cable, I figured I’d try for something with similar properties as the other cables which worked. This seemed like a good first step.
  4. But because I don’t believe that these things make a world of difference, only some, I wanted to collect a variety of OCC brands that others had tried and liked. I ruled out spending thousands on speaker wire.
  5. The final step is to watch and wait for the right used option to come along. Indeed, I believe I found that today. In fact, I may have found a $2300 option for a mere $650. That’s about what I wanted to spend.
Not sure it is occ but cardas cross and kimber 4tc are the best copper wires i have had in my systems and they sound good on a variety of gear and speakers but make sure you get the old blue black tc.