Power Cable Suggestions

Will be receiving used Mark Levinson No 436 monoblock amps and would appreciate power cord recommendations, preferabley under $500, or stick with the stock power cords.
djones511,867 posts
05-07-2020 6:48pmWould my Tesla get from 0 to 60 faster if I use an SRX power cord? Is the stock cord good enough or will performance improve with a $10,000 aftermarket power cord?
Depends. You paying for all of it, or are the taxpayers getting drilled for a couple thousand of it, again?

Oh how I wish it were only a couple thousand. To buy a Tesla- first you have to be so blind you can't see how none of the parts even fit together properly. Then you have to be so gullible you think they're charged by fairy dust instead of coal. It helps if you don't know the company never has turned a profit and builds their cars in a tent. Yes a tent. In a parking lot. You can't make this stuff up.

The answer of course is your Tesla will go 0-60 faster without the 50 lbs of dirt the incompetently designed body catches.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj78E1dArdI Wonderful car. 
Try Zavfino Majestic OCC. Great cable. $349 new. Had one for a home trial. Bought the loaner and ordered another. 
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Power cord is one of the more incomprehensible things I’ve experienced in audio. How can a cable that is not a part of the audio signal chain make a difference in sound...but it does

An amplifier does not enlarge the input signal, rather it makes a large copy of the input signal using the electricity from the mains to create the copy. An amplifier is actually a copying machine of sorts. The input signal never gets to your speaker but dies in the amplifier.

What goes down your speaker cable consists 100% of what comes into the amp via the power cable. In a sense, the AC is part of the signal path and we get tangible benefits when we optimize it.