So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?
Well I knew this would be the response. The directionality of wire is not really what is important in this discussion. I really dont care, but the idea that someone who diminishes the personal experience as paramount in this hobby and is talking about a universal reality is very concerning. Because you are so quick to dismiss indicates to me that you are in no position to mentor anyone. The fact that you close your mind to other possibilities automatically disqualifies you as an objective source of information. You would portray your opinions as facts and quote some propeller head and to add credence. 

Again lets compare experience and systems. Or do you believe that all systems are equally resolving? The fact that you are digital only is very telling as is my preference for vinyl. 
No, all systems are not equally true to the source material. I never said anything about universal reality which is kind of a weird thing to bring up and I'm not sure what you mean by it. The preference for vinyl is a choice like digital again not getting the point. If your implying vinyl is better then that's your subjective opinion and a lot of people prefer vinyl but it's not an objective reality.
Don't quit your day job to all of a sudden think you are Columbo. You are not as good at detective work as you think you are.
Wasn't this response (or something close) used in another thread shorty before Multiple Migs vanished? 


You mentioned "facing reality"! Which reality? To which objective and universal realities do you subscribe? 

You mention learning from experience. I think this is especially funny coming from you. I would bet the farm on the fact that you have significantly less experience comparing and listening to the things you discuss on this forum than most of the subjectivists. What else can I expect from anyone that would buy a speaker on measurements alone. 

Again discuss how long you have been listening and give me a peek at your system. 

You just dont understand and absent this understanding I dont think you will allow yourself any more joy than you have already experienced because you are convinced you cant trust YOUR senses. Problem is that you are telling us that we cant trust ours either. I know misery loves company but give us a break!