You mentioned "facing reality"! Which reality? To which objective and universal realities do you subscribe?
You mention learning from experience. I think this is especially funny coming from you. I would bet the farm on the fact that you have significantly less experience comparing and listening to the things you discuss on this forum than most of the subjectivists. What else can I expect from anyone that would buy a speaker on measurements alone.
Again discuss how long you have been listening and give me a peek at your system.
You just dont understand and absent this understanding I dont think you will allow yourself any more joy than you have already experienced because you are convinced you cant trust YOUR senses. Problem is that you are telling us that we cant trust ours either. I know misery loves company but give us a break!
You mentioned "facing reality"! Which reality? To which objective and universal realities do you subscribe?
You mention learning from experience. I think this is especially funny coming from you. I would bet the farm on the fact that you have significantly less experience comparing and listening to the things you discuss on this forum than most of the subjectivists. What else can I expect from anyone that would buy a speaker on measurements alone.
Again discuss how long you have been listening and give me a peek at your system.
You just dont understand and absent this understanding I dont think you will allow yourself any more joy than you have already experienced because you are convinced you cant trust YOUR senses. Problem is that you are telling us that we cant trust ours either. I know misery loves company but give us a break!