Torture test for a TT rig!

I have less than 200 hours on my Miyajima Shalabi. Triplanar arm, Woodsong Garrard 301.
I am actually hoping that it is a compliance mismatch cart and arm.
Just playing 1812 Overture on the cannons the arm jumped off the record and the sound stopped for an instant!
Sure seems like the cart is not tracking.
At least I now have a torture test!
And I am getting “clipping-like” distortion. Especially on the fuller tones of a singer.
Cartridge/Arm mismatch? Is compliance the only or main issue?
My VTA is right.
Few setups can flawlessly trac the Telarc 1812, so don’t read too much into your cartridge skipping over the cannon shots. If you want a good gauge of your turntable performance I’d recommend something like the HiFi News test record.
Dear @mglik : I hope the Shilabe already had at least 100 hours of playing time and that you are running it at the manufacturer VTF spec of 3.0grs.
The resonance frequency it is inside the limits 8hz-12hz.

Telarc 1812 is a great recording ( and not for the cannon shots. ) and a real test for any audio system. Exist combinations of cartridge/tonearms that can track all the cannon shots and not only high compliance cartridges. Some combinations can track 8-9 of those cannon shots. Obviously that a combination than can track all the recording with no " trouble " tells you that can track everything and this says that that those cartridges can pick up more recorded information in any LP.

What disturbing to me a little is :

"" I am getting “clipping-like” distortion. Especially on the fuller tones of a singer. "

That seems as a mistracking. Please do the next test:

set the VTF to zero, set no antiskate and don't use the damping silicon tray and put the cartridge/arm ( that’s in horizontal equilibrium. ) at the middle and , at this position the cartridge/tonearm must stay in that position with out any movement after this do the same nearer the inner LP grooves and things must be the same: dead " there ".

If in those tests the tonearm is steady then play again not only the 1812 but the LPs where you detected that kind of mistracking in the singer. Do these with out and with antiskating and with tray damping and with out it and clean the stylus tip ans LP before play it.

If things does not change probably exist a " trouble " in the cartridge suspension or its stylus tip.

If in the back tests ( no VTF/AS. ) exist a minimum movement then exist a " trouble " with the tonearm.

Not been with you is dificult to be very precise in our opinions. You have to check about what some of us posted . Even if after all those tests try again with 3.2grs. on VTF.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

If the cartridge isn't set to track heavily enough, this could explain everything that's been described.

I would consider also using multiple weights supplied with the Triplanar rather than the one larger weight, so as to move some of the mass further back from the pivot. This would have the effect of increasing the effective mass of the arm, allowing it to work better with a low compliance cartridge.
Both lewm, atmasphere and Chakster are correct. You have to add mass to get the resonance frequency down to 8 Hz. You cn prove that to yourself with a nickel. Soundsmith makes a very nice set of graded cartridge screws that look very nice. Get the test Record chakster recommended. It has both vertical and horizontal resonance tracks. It is the vertical resonance you want down at 8 Hz. This will fix your problem for sure. I have seen this happen on several occasions for exactly this reason. 
Well, last time I checked, the VTA was 2.1g. The recommended is 2.3. Just checked it now, it was down to 1.9!Set it right the 2.3 and the full vocal is almost all better.
Set it to 2.5. Will keep it there for now.