Suggest something that plays CDs and streams for around 3000?

Replacing my CD players is more complicated than I expected.   The advent of streaming sounds great, but I also have lots of CDs. 


Presumably you wish to transfer CDs to a Hard Drive?  And use a streaming service such as Qobuz, and be able to access Internet Radio.  Do you have a DAC?  Perhaps the DAC stage of the CDP can be accessed by another device.
  Answer those questions and then you can get recommendations 
i haven’t seen a streamer with a built in cd transport as yet (i am sure someone will correct me on this if i have missed one out there...)

so i think you’ll need to get separate boxes for a and b
Have you thought about an external CD drive to hook up to your Mac then Mac to your Dac? They cost about $20 on Amazon, worth a try.
I was in a similar situation. I need to replace my CD player and re-rip my 600 or so CD's.  I started with an Innuos Zen Mini (in your price range) and ended up with an Innuos Zenith MK3.  These streamers allow you to rip and store your CDs as well as to stream Qobuz, Tidal and possibly other music services from the internet.  They feed into a DAC which feeds a preamp and then an amp.  However, some very good DACs also come with a preamp and are able to control the volume and various inputs. In my system the sound quality of the Zenith far surpassed that of the Mini.  But, read the reviews, there are many.