01-20-12: Magfan
Relative power needed is almost entirely governed by crossover point.
If you crossed over at 10khz, you could make due with a 30 watt tube amp on top of a 300 watt SS.
Than, other issues would come to the fore.
Right! A major "other issue," if the two amps are being used in a passive biamp arrangement (i.e., without an active crossover ahead of the power amps) being that some number approaching 270 watts of the 300 watt capability of the SS amp could not be utilized, without clipping the 30W amp. Essentially the 300 watt amp would be reduced to not much more than a 30 watt amp in that scenario (the exact value depending on the voltage swing capability of the 30 watt amp). Which was exactly my point.
Best regards,
-- Al
if you are going to use the in-cabinet speaker x-overs as-is then the best way to do passive biamping is the method done by member 'jefferybehr' - he's used 4 identical amps that are driven by his preamp. Take a look at his system pix.