Holo Audio May DAC

Just read a very nice review of this in Stereophile this month and after doing some research it looks like this one could be a very nice option for me.  
It's made in China I think (or could be Taiwan?, and yes, I am very well aware that these are two very different countries. ;)), and employs a direct to consumer model to keep the price as low as possible.  This does not worry me after purchasing a Jay's Audio transport from Vinshine Audio and having zero issues.  

Just curious if anyone here has heard one or purchased?  I'm very intrigued.  I know the Denafrips Terminator is another highly regarded DAC with a similar ordering model, but costs a couple grand more than this one.  Considering that one as well.

@georgehifi I was told by kitsune that those are not coupling caps. I think Tim said they are for power filtering. 
Still drumming my fingers waiting for the May DAC. I guess........the waiting is the hardest part.
Well after waiting for the May to arrive, and listening periodically over the last ~500 hours, I'm happy to report that the May is hitting its stride.

I've done most listening in NOS mode which has fleshed out nicely during burn in.  I listened a few brief times over the break in period to OS, and it definitely does not sound as good as NOS.  I wonder, however, what actually happens during the break in process, ie the DAC chips used in OS are different than the ladder DAC circuit that I've used for nearly all of the break in.  I discovered this morning that 88.2 files cannot be played in NOS, so I listened in OS.  Just wondering what if any improvement to expect if I burn in the OS circuits?  Also, is there any way to run NOS on 88.2 files?
I deleted the album from my Aurender playlist and reloaded it (it is a FLAC file).  It plays fine now as NOS.  Dunno, but not an issue I guess.