So I have acquired a slightly used Holo May ( 200 - 300 hrs in mint condition) and have been listening to it for the past few days, comparing it to my Lampizator Amber 3. I am on the fence so far to be honest. Earlier in this thread, more than one person suggested that the May would be a sideways move from Lampizator DAC’s and I am beginning to agree with this. While it’s incredible detailed, accurate, with a black background and neutral to a fault, it doesn’t have the full, 3-dimensionality, or organic sound of the Amber 3. No doubt it’s technically superior in every way - but it’s just not as *pleasant* to listen to, is more forward sounding, and very unforgiving of poor recordings - etched and bright at times. I will let it run for a couple of hundred more hours before re-evaluating.