seems to me that since class d is newer tech with new possibilities for good sounding cost effective builds and a lot of active innovation in the amp modules, there are many new efforts to make good sounding amps using these modules
as in any case with emerging/new-ish technologies, you have older aficianados who will poo-poo it, having been burned before or having experienced poor sound from earlier cruder versions... so while they may indeed have had these experiences, and they are not wrong, their experiences are increasingly out of date, and don’t fairly reflect on what is being accomplished presently by innovative folks working with the latest versions of these
as in any case with emerging/new-ish technologies, you have older aficianados who will poo-poo it, having been burned before or having experienced poor sound from earlier cruder versions... so while they may indeed have had these experiences, and they are not wrong, their experiences are increasingly out of date, and don’t fairly reflect on what is being accomplished presently by innovative folks working with the latest versions of these