AVM SA 6.3 Stereo Amplifier - Any thoughts?

Hello all..Looking for your valuable opinions. I have an aging Gamut D200 amplifier and I am looking for a replacement. As Gamut no longer manufactures electronics I am looking at the AVM SA 6.3 stereo power amplifier vs an offshoot of Gamut, the Gato Pwr222 Monoblocks. I’m looking for opinions on either but mostly the AVM brand, as Gato shares near identical topology with Gamut. Unfortunately no AVM dealers anywhere close. Thanks to all! 
I am an AVM dealer.  The bulk of my listening has been with the MA 8.3s which have the tube input stage and they are beyond phenomenal and the A5.2 which is one of their hybrid class D integrated.  The MA 8.3s delivered delicacy and a smooth and articulate midrange that just shouldn't be possible with 1100w.  

I have been thoroughly impressed by their product line and I will be taking some things from them to AXPONA with me.  TBD exactly what.  

You can expect a neutral to slightly warm sound with tons of power.  Despite being warm, there is not a lack of detail and unlike some warmer amps, bass is well controlled.  It should be a little less sweet than the 8.3s but that is driven by the lack of a tube input stage more than anything. 

It will be much more neutral than Bryston, Krell or Chord and you should expect a sound profile closer to Pass or Accuphase.  

I am rotating through as many products as possible and will be bringing in either an SA6.3 or A6.2ME after I sell my A5.2.  

I have not heard the Gamut electronics and cannot offer a point of comparison.  
Did you see Herb Reichart’s review of the A6.2ME Integrated in Stereophile? He does a good job of bringing to life the AVM sound which really can be stunning.
Verdant Audio: thanks for your helpful comments. Can you kindly tell me if the SA 6.3 is much improved over the SA 6.2? Does AVM describe the upgrade?Thank you.