My Last CD player

I like my vinyl but digital has its own set of benefits. When my last CD player fell of its perch, I move to streaming audio.  Overall, I have been happy with this decision.  I did notice that lately, a number of posters have been claiming that CD is “better” than streaming.  I figured that most of these were flat earthers. I recently had the opportunity to listen to a “new generation” CD player on a friends system.  I am not sure I would say it was better but it was different and in a very good way.  As I have an extensive CD collection, this set me off to evaluate a new CD player for my system .... at my age presumably the last I will own.  I have identified a few different used players that seem to check the short list boxes: Audio Research cd 7 SE, Ayon cd10 Signature II Ultimate, Ayon cd35 Signature I and Luxman 

D-06u.  I am auditioning the Ayon cd10 at home .... smooth, natural, musical, holographic image, but light on dynamics and soundstage. Anyone have experience with these players?  Any other suggestions?


MW stands behind their products even if you didn't buy from them. No company serves the customer better than MW.   Dan is very concerned about how his brand is viewed and his service shows it.  Dan replaced a 9100 that was causing me an issue in one channel occasionally with another unit, not the same unit, because the 9100 was no longer in production at MW, but with a 5400 at no extra charge because never had the problem show up in his system.  He wanted me to be happy with his product even though I never bought one from him, but bought used.  That is going WAY beyond what most any manufacturer would do.  I'll be a MW CD player man for life.  The 5400 Signature Truth was a brand new unit he sent me to replaced a well used 9100.  The 5400 is obviously much better sounding along with being brand new.  Who else does that for a customer that really never bought from him directly?  Whether he attacks a part or not from an out of production unit, he will make it right like the HGTV show.

I am not sure I would say it was better but it was different and in a very good way.  

I’m borrowing this one for the next time my wife asks me if my secretary looks better than her. 😂🤣

Thank You for the follow up. Good to read that Dan continues to service his older "mods". I had wanted his edition of the Marantz 8005, but, the particulars have been discontinued?  Perhaps he has these parts available off-line, does not advertise?

Happy Listening!
Would the Bada HD28 player be out of place in this thread? Or is it a few rungs below what has been mentioned so far?
I think CD is better than streaming and SACD at times out performing the best  Lp's.  I decided on purchasing my last SACD/CD player to replace a Yamaha CD-S2100 that I purchased six or seven months ago.  Nothing wrong with the Yamaha, in fact  some of my recent SACD's of symphonic music have shocked me at how good digital could be.  Bes at Music Direct personally delivered it and for now it sits on my dining room table until I figure out where to put it.