I’ll skip the D-bate on this...
currently auditioning a PS Audio Stellar S300 which uses the usual suspects of Ice modules. That’s where it stops. The bout stage is a proprietary MOSFET which sounds pretty good.
The excellent staff at PS say that about 300 hours is optimal burn-in, but this can be done with no speakers connected, so is purely for the input/driver stage.
I’m playing all my favorite stuff and watching and waiting for either the amp to thermally warm up (they don’t), or to pop a speaker - which would be a good excuse to fed new ones.
I’ve had a Parasound Halo A23+ on order for awhile...
currently auditioning a PS Audio Stellar S300 which uses the usual suspects of Ice modules. That’s where it stops. The bout stage is a proprietary MOSFET which sounds pretty good.
The excellent staff at PS say that about 300 hours is optimal burn-in, but this can be done with no speakers connected, so is purely for the input/driver stage.
I’m playing all my favorite stuff and watching and waiting for either the amp to thermally warm up (they don’t), or to pop a speaker - which would be a good excuse to fed new ones.
I’ve had a Parasound Halo A23+ on order for awhile...