Why don't more recordings have soundstage outside of speakers

I always enjoy it when the recording has mixing that the instruments are well outside of the speakers.  I think it's really cool and what justifying spending extra dollars for the sound.  I just wish more recordings would do that.  Most of them would just have the sound from in between the speakers.

What are some of your favorite recordings that have an enveloping soundstage well outside of the speakers?
An average room is capable of a wide soundstage as long as there is enough distance between the loudspeaker and the side walls to avoid flutter echos. You can put absorbers at the first reflection points (imagine the wall is a mirror and you’re looking at the reflection of your loudspeaker from your listening position) to tame the worst of these
There is no average room because even if some rooms have the same dimension and the same geometry, they dont avec the same materials acoustical content and the same topology...-average room- exist only for acoustic panels sellers...And average speakers are like average room, a non existent species... Each type and format of speakers will ask for his own tuning relation with the room...

And this rule : "you can put absorber at the first reflections points" is only that , a general rule which dont apply half the time if we look for optimal results..

Why ?

Because controlling the reverberation time, and the waves timing flow for each ear specifically ask sometimes for the use of reflective surface not absorbing one at these points...

It is an experimental fact in acoustic that some reflection ratio between front and back waves and lateral one create a better detph imaging....Then a so called " average room" with an optimal speakers placement is only a first step in acoustic control.... There remain a long way to go...

@mahgister I meant averagely good acoustically which is not measurable but I think most would know what I meant. if you want to make everything sound like mystery and magic then go ahead, there are some basic acoustic principles that are worth trying before you turn to guesswork. I'm not even sure what 'an experimental fact in acoustic' actually means.
mahgister I meant averagely good acoustically which is not measurable but I think most would know what I meant. if you want to make everything sound like mystery and magic then go ahead, there are some basic acoustic principles that are worth trying before you turn to guesswork. I’m not even sure what ’an experimental fact in acoustic’ actually means.

I get your point...But a room with some panels is not a room under control necessarily in most case... Sorry....

My point is about the acoustic control of a specific room...

And it is not my desire to sound like "mystery".... Acoustic is not magic but an experimental science...

My listening experiments are a gradual sets of improvement not a one day "guesswork" job and they are based on some acoustical experimental fact...

Here one who inspired me:

«. A new physical measure for psychological evaluation of a soundfield: Front/back energy ratio as a measurefor
envelopment.M. Morimoto (Environmental Acoust.Lab.,Facultyof Eng.,KobeUniv., Rokko,Nada,Kobe,657Japan)and
K. Iida (Kobe Univ., Kobe,657 JapanandMatsushitaCommun.IndustrialCo., Ltd., Japan)
Broadening is one of the important characteristics for the psychological evaluation of a soundfield.
Several investigations
indicated that broadening was comprised of two elemental senses, i.e.,auditory source width(spaciousness) and listener envelopment [M.
Morimoto et al., Proc. 13th ICA, Belgrade2, 215-218 (1989); J. AcoustSoc.Jpn.46, 449-457 (1990); and Hidaka et al., J.
Acoust.Soc.Am. 92, 2469 (A) (1992)].

They inferred that the degree of interaural cross correlation of lateral reflections correlated
with envelopment. This paper,however, shows the results of psychological experiments that envelopment is affected by the energy ratio of reflections coming from the front of the listener to those coming from the back of the listener,even if the degree of interaural cross correlation of the lateral reflections are equal. Namely,envelopment grows as the energy of the reflection coming
from the back of the listener increases. This result suggests the need to measure the ratio which has never been measured.»
Do electronics ; power amplifier or preamplifier , have any effects
on the soundstage , holographic sound, etc. ?
I may change my integrated amplifier and wounder if I could only buy a power amp. I only use the preamp section of my integrated
for my Lumin streamer. But I could connect it directly to a power amp. using Leedh processing.
No need for the preamp. Section then.
Would I loose anything regarding deepness , soundstage ?