Herron VTPH-2A discontinued

I came across a post recently http://www.vpiforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19187
and confirmed it through the Herron website.  Bummer.  
That’s a bummer. Thanks inflation. I own a VPTH-2A and love it! Aside from switching out tube when they croak, I wonder how long one can expect a unit like this to last? 
I have the Herron vtph-1 mc plus.
I`ve often considered moving to the VTPH2.
I don`t see myself going back to a MM so I figured why spend money on features that are baked in to the design (for an additional cost) that I`ll never use.
Keith put blue LED`s in it for me when I asked if he could do that for me ! 

I left all the tubes stock except for a vintage Telefunken 12AU7 that I harvested from a C-20 years ago that has a painted green tip that from what I gather means low noise.
Mine sounds very nice.
It will last longer than any of us, with occasional new tubes and very occasional replacement of electrolytic caps, like every 20 years. With heavy use a switch or potentiometer or tube socket might eventually need cleaning or replacement. But basically a unit like that has an indefinite lifespan. People still use Marantz and McIntosh preamps (and other brands) sold in the 1950s.
I found a 2 last night (which is what I had before) but wondering what is the major difference between that and the 2A? Keith did say a while back that he could upgrade my 2 to a 2A but that was right before he stopped production so that's clearly not going to happen. Any insight?