Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.

Hello all, I am looking for some input on the best way to add tubes to my current mess. I currently have what I am sure everyone here would consider barely a step up from my parents zenith HI-FI circa 1977. please keep in mind I am lucky if I can afford to look in the window of an actual audio store. 
I currently have a Peachtree nova 300 and a Marantz CD player and a pair of monitor audio silver 500 speakers. A friend gave me a blue sound node 2i also. I have always wanted a tube powered amp. I see these Chinese amps like the Muzishare X7 and Willsenton R8 that have lots of great reviews. Or maybe a tube DAC. Then I see the Black Ice for ss-x. Each having less tubes respectively. Not sure how much that matters but I would think the more tubes the more tube sound one could expect. I would like to be in the $1000. range but would go to $1500 if I had to. My goal is to find the best most cost effective way to enter the tube world.  
The Aric Audio tube preamps have low output impedance for a tube pre making them very compatible impedance wise with most amps. The variable gain makes them compatible with most amps even those with low sensitivity rating (high gain). His Unlimited at $900 is a great deal! 

This is the reason I have a hard time with "audiophiles" they are mostly pretentious dicks"

English is not my native language and I still struggle with it but understand that in American English the term "dick" is slang for penis or private police officer so would you please explain what definition you are using here? Perhaps you mean private police officer because most of us do listen in private and penis does not make sense. Do you mean you wish their were more women as in "vaginas" hear? If you want us to understand you please be more specific, direct, and concise. 
I would look for a good vintage tube amp in that price range but remember that you can easily drop about 1500 to 2000 on good tubes for it just a thought to remember when you talk about tube amps.
Well I missed the Aric Unlimited 2 listed here. So I will keep looking I might just end up contacting Aric about a new one. The little interaction I had with him was first rate. He is off for some vacation time but I think I will be giving him my money when he returns. 
Thanks to everyone for the input. Everything was valuable to some degree and I very much appreciate that!