Mega dollar systems. 200k on up. What are their professions?

Acoustical Systems Apolyt Turntable ($349,000), 1190.5lbs (540kg) for example. I will try to upload a picture.
Look it is a lot healthier for the individual and society at large to aspire to be successful as that other “successful” person. It does no one any good to resent someone for their success. It drags you down and is bad for society. We should all want to aspire to be better. When someone seems to achieve that goal and we try to tear them down, we are being counterproductive. Also even if someone seems to have a lot of capital they make be deficient in their lives in other ways in which you are wealthy. Plus there a lots and lots of worse ways to spend money than on audio gear. Audio gear to my knowledge never killed anyone or an animal. Also have you tried to be angry or were angry when listening to music? It is very hard to do. Plus spending money in the audio economy is a good thing for everyone, including us who are wealthy in ways that may or may not include dollars. 
King you must have skipped the Punk period, anger was key.

I mixed sound for them and

of course, the Blues aint just happy music...

Terry Evans - Down in Mississippi...... crank it up and feel....


Thanks for the info, Chuck.  Unfortunately, my back had not acted up yet, so I am very familiar with the "Not my first rodeo" waste of time.  I don't think anybody would think he was a rodeo novice -- considering the amount of bulls**t that spewed from his mouth on a regular basis.
Why do people care so much of what people spend on this hobby.  I work a normal job make a decent salary.  Wife does not work.  I was not given any money, put 3 kids through college.  I spend a good amount on my stuff over the years.  Not as much as many here but probably too much than I should have.  But I enjoy it.  Raises many eyebrows of friends and I get the "why" and "how come" questions.  But then I ask how much do you spend on "X"...  golf memberships etc.  I have one co-worker who makes less than me but his wife works so probably in the end more.  But he spends over $1300/mo in car leases.  Plus hundreds more a month on insurance and taxes on those cars.  So in my head I go it would only be 3-4 years to save the money to buy my stuff with those there you go.  People do "waste" their money, but YOLO.  My brother died suddenly at 49 years old.  Stop worrying about what others do and spend.  Live within your means and if it makes you happy  you win.